So, you’ve finally landed your ideal position. There is only one small issue: the job description cites a number of credentials and experiences that you don’t quite meet. Talk about a downer.

However, you should still apply even if you don’t check off every box. Why? “The hiring manager can be impressed by or be drawn to certain keywords on your resume and cover letter”. 

Remember, the goal is to secure an interview. You’re on the right track if you can get your foot in the door. There is always possibility that employer might over look the fact that you are not quite qualified for the job, if you get the interview and strike up an emotional connection with the interviewer.

So the key questions are, how do you get your foot in the door? what do you say or do at an interview to show you are a good fit for the position?

Here are five strategies for making up for lack of expertise.

1. Add professional and relatable terminologies to your CV that are unique.

Do not submit a generic resume while applying for a job. Instead, thoroughly read the job description, paying attention to the specifications and credentials that the employer is seeking.

2. Use social media to stand out.

A little name recognition can sometimes be enough to keep you out of the slush pile. Additionally, a hiring manager or recruiter may learn about you and your name through social media. Blog entries from the business and other elements of their social media presence should be commented on and shared.

3. Have a solid elevator pitch.

An elevator pitch is a summary of your background that you can recite rapidly. It captures your professional background and strength hence positioning you as the ideal candidate for the position. It’s frequently used in response to the interview question, E.g., “Tell me about yourself,” which is asked by the majority of recruiters and hiring managers. You may want to summarize what you’ve done, what you’re doing, and where you’re going in your elevator pitch.

4. Connect

By interacting with them on LinkedIn, liking their content, and producing and sharing your own content, you can stand out if you can locate the hiring manager or the head of the recruiting department. This will keep you in the recruiter’s mind and make you more noticeable. It’s also worthwhile to get in touch with current workers to learn more about the organization and perhaps even ask for a recommendation later on.

5. Be Confident

“The key to human communication is sounding confident”.  Many professionals advance in their careers by projecting confidence. Talking points that make it easier for you to talk clearly and authoritatively will enable you to project charm and confidence, which is always a good thing.




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